The continuation of the pandemic has presented challenges for all central stations. The AG leadership team has worked tirelessly to ensure our service to your customers continues without wavering and that they receive the best care in the industry. Here is a behind the scenes look at how we have maintained our reputable service through the pandemic.
As you can imagine, before the pandemic started, most businesses didn’t have a “here’s what to do in the event of a pandemic” guidebook. However, at the onset of Covid-19, AvantGuard quickly created procedures to limit exposure in the office and keep our operators happy and healthy to ensure the safety of your customers.
It all starts with communication. At AG, we encourage all employees to speak up if they are not feeling well or have any potential symptoms. This includes calling in to request to work remotely, calling in sick, or working in isolated office areas inside of the AG offices. This allows our leadership to keep employees safe while being agile when it comes to staffing. Our leadership has also been diligent in communicating any changes to policies or procedures during the pandemic. Keeping everybody informed has been critical to the success of managing our workplace amid the pandemic.
Back when the pandemic began in early 2020, our IT team created and installed virtual workstations for many of our operators. Seeing success from operations in a virtual work from home environment, our leadership team has been able to encourage remote work to keep exposure to COVID-19 to a minimum.
Our operations management team has also been diligent in checking on employees’ health — reaching out to them individually to make sure they are healthy and feeling inspired and engaged.
At AG, we have also gone to great lengths to keep office areas throughout our buildings clean and sanitized. Each department area has masks available to them. All personnel are asked to wear masks when they are away from their desks and to clean and sanitize their work areas at the end of every shift.
In the event that there has been a potential exposure in the office, we conduct thorough contact tracing to find exposure points. We also have a dedicated office workspace for those who are potentially exposed to COVID to continue working safely while they await their test results.
Training is the backbone of our operations. AG’s highly trained operators go through an extensive training program to prepare them to serve your customers. To continue to train during the pandemic, our training teams created hybrid training classes that can operate remotely or in-person so new trainees can receive the same level of expert training regardless of where they are located.
By always keeping the wellbeing of our team members, their families and your subscribers in mind, AG has been able to successfully navigate through the pandemic and continue to provide the excellent service we are known for. That’s what makes our “We Care F.I.R.S.T” culture different from all the rest.