The Consumer Electronics Show, known as CES, enjoyed its 53rd year this January. After starting in 1967, CES quickly gained traction with some of the world's most popular consumer technology companies. Below you'll find some the newest tech in the security industry sector at CES in 2020, and how it can be used to keep you, your family, and your business secure.
This is a smart lock like no other. While it may look fairly standard, this lock boasts fingerprint technology. This means that those custom grooves unique to your hands are the only key you will ever need again. For more information, you can read our Tech Saturday article on the product.
Lockly has a reputation for producing some of the highest tech smart locks on the market. Most of these boast futuristic features like fingerprint ID, touchscreen keypads with number randomization so that passwords can’t be tracked by leftover finger smudges, voice commands, and temporary codes for guest access. However, the newest edition also includes a video doorbell for the ultimate, all-in-one, front door solution.
You might be thinking, robot vacuum? What can a robot vacuum do to protect my home? Well, Lucy isn’t just any robotic cleaning machine. Trifo has combined the standard smart home cleaning device with a security camera. Not only does Lucy clean your floors, but she can patrol your home any time of the day or night with a 1080p night-vision capable camera. This also helps it to avoid obstacles that standard robot vacuums would hit such as socks, furniture, or even pet accidents. Read more on it here!
Aquifer Refine is designed to connect under your kitchen sink and help to reduce contaminants and heavy metals such as lead and mercury. However, it goes beyond the standard water filter. It’s WiFi connected, enabling the system to send you reminders on when to replace filters. It can also send an alert to your phone if it detects a leak.
Imagine for a moment an uninvited someone jumps a gate and gets on to your property. With the Sunflower Security System in place, The Sunflower launches a drone (called the “bee”) from a weatherproof base station (the “hive”) to track the potential intruder and record his every move. The drone is accurate within one foot of any place in your yard, thanks to the help from garden lights filled with sensors (the “sunflowers”). These sensors even recognize the difference between humans, pets, and cars, to minimize false alarms. Read a more in-depth explanation here!
Designed to help people avoid billions in annual property damage and inefficient water usage,’s Smart Water Valve+Meter seeks to reduce and detect leaks. It warns you when your pipes could freeze, and stops a bursting pipe from flooding your home. This all connects effortlessly to’s native app and also could create some discounts by way of your home insurance. Read more about it here!
Finally, smart products for your home that are ready to be installed right out of the box. C by GE is a home solution that turns your old home into a modern one. The new collection of items includes smart light switches that enable you to control your lights from anywhere, smart wall plugs that are able to turn the power on and off by voice command or app, and an array of light bulbs. These products will make it easier to secure your home and business than ever before.
Tapplock has released a biometric padlock. By scanning your fingerprint on the front of the lock, Tapplock recognizes the owner with 99.99% accuracy in under a second. It has a sleek design, and is great for security on the go!
On the note of biometrics, Samsung has released an SSD with a built-in fingerprint scanner. While you could encrypt all your files and lock everything behind a password, now you’re just able to run your finger across the surface and gain immediate access.
While we’ve done an article on Vayyar’s 3D imaging in the past, Vayyar made waves at CES this year with some new tech. While their sensors still detect falls, they can also determine other medical emergencies as well.
Addison Care, the virtual caregiver, was introduced this January. She lives in a tablet, can remind you to take pills (and has sensors that determine if you actually took them), can call emergency contacts, provide basic medical knowledge such as demonstrating basic rehab exercises, and keep track of everything all at the same time.
While all of this great tech is emerging and making way for even better innovations in the security industry, it’s always in your best interest to go into the future with a company that you can trust. That is what has kept Avantguard in the business for over 40 years. Reach out today to find out what we can do for you!
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