Follow these steps to get the details of every account we monitor for you. Use this report to audit the active accounts you manage with the accounts you were billed for.
1. First, go to the link for Dealer Reports & Billing.
2. You will use the same login credentials that is used for the other portals.
3. Once you are logged in you will filter for the report labeled “Account Service Detail”
4. On the same line as the “Account Service Detail” you should show 3 dots in a vertical line. Click on the dots. You will have 2 options, Download and Email. Select which option you are wanting. It should then give you a new Popup Window with a couple of options. You will need to select your Dealer and the Bill Period you are wanting the report for. If you are emailing the report it will have an additional field to add a single email address to receive the report.
5. Select Run Report and you will either Download an Excel Document with the information or it will send an email with the attached document.